Donations & Bequests

Support Us to Support Others

Donations come in many forms. All donations help to grow and improve the variety and quality of services and programs we can offer for our community. Here are some of the ways you may be able to contribute to the growth and sustainability of the Christie Centre. 

Financial Contributions

The simplest way to help. Financial donations can be made:

All donations over $2 are tax deductible and we are able to provide a tax receipt for your records. 


We are always seeking goods to improve our organisation and expand or enhance the activities we can offer. Items such as:

Air conditioners, vehicles and IT equipment are some of the larger items that are also needed to support the organisation.

Please contact our office – (03) 5023 2761) to discuss items you may wish to donate as receipts for a donation-in-kind can be issued in some instances.


Bequests are a way of making a significant donation without impacting your lifestyle or financial security. Bequests can take many forms – cash, property, shares, assets.

In making a bequest you can have input into how it will be used when the time comes, understanding the positive impact it will have on so many people.

Please contact our Executive Officer to discuss this very generous form of support.


The donation of facilities for ongoing use or one-off events such as staff training, community forums and fundraisers, all contribute to the strength and growth of the Christie Centre. Once again, the value of a waived hiring fee or similar can be receipted as a donation-in-kind for tax purposes.

Please contact us on (03) 5023 2761 if you can help out in this way.

Donations come in many forms and all help support and grow the services and programs available to our

Cash, goods, bequests, facilities all enable the Christie Centre to increase opportunities, experiences and
pathways for differently abled people living in the Mallee.


Donations can be made:

All donations over $2 are tax deductible.


We are always looking for goods to expand and enhance activities for our participants and strengthen our organisation. Items such as:

Air conditioners, vehicles, IT equipment are just some of the larger items that are also needed to support the organisation.

Please contact our office – (03) 5023 2761) to discuss items you may wish to donate as receipts for a donation-in-kind can be issued in some instances.


Bequests are a way of making a significant donation without impacting your lifestyle or financial security. Bequests can take many forms – cash, property, shares, assets.

In making a bequest you can have input into how it will be used when the time comes, understanding the positive impact it will have on so many people.

Please contact our Executive Officer to discuss this very special form of support.


The donation of facilities to use for one-off events – staff training, not-for-profit forums, fundraising events etc all contribute to the strength and growth of the Christie Centre. Once again, the value of a waived hiring fee or similar can be receipted as a donation-in-kind for tax purposes.

Please contact us on (03) 5023 2761 if you can help out in this way.

Valentine’s Day

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Chocolate hearts available:

  • 48% Milk Chocolate
  • 48% Milk Chocolate/Blood Orange
  • 70% Dark Chocolate
  • 70% Dark Chocolate/Blood Orange

with more options online.

or Visit Spark at Mildura Riverfront